CK vs [aW]
June 5th, 2010
Çκ 374 [aW] 296

Grand Pix # 1
(CK: 129 AW: 175)
[+4 and +0 due to DC from them in 2nd Race]

Grand Pix # 2
(CK: 124 AW: 109)
[+38 from CK Tazzo due to DC in rd Race]

Grand Pix # 3
(CK: 121 AW: 112)
[+16for them due to DC]

MsWhore: 29 + 27 + 41 = 97
Taz: 39 + 38 + 37 = 114
Porn: 10 + 19 + 27 = 56
Rain: 26 + 18 + 11 = 55
Ruoko: 25 + 22 + 5 = 52


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