Schedule a War

Hello there ^_^! Thank you for considering CK for a CK War! We accept anything from 4 vs 4 up to 6 vs 6! We also love to play with other vehicles or kart clans. Please Visit any of the following places to ask us for war (Remember that CK is an USA based Clan):


Dχ»GHاT™ said...

hello we want a 6vs6 war against u guys very soon (like within the next 15 minutes)

Miss Whore said...

Oh gosh :o lol lets see if we can find you :o but we dont usually take wars this quickly unless we all are on skype :o

Ill see what I can do.

Anonymous said...

Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

BK )OllY said...

Can i challenge you to a friend race? On the 23rd of october at 1:00 EST

Distorted Flames said...

Hello. I am the leader of DX and we're supposed to be warring against cK today in MKC. Can someone from the clan please contact me at:


on skype? Thanks.

joewhitaker said...

you guys are cool

joewhitaker said...

Can i join

joewhitaker said...

friend my is 1763-0372-9257

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